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"I can be any place in the world, yet never leave my home. As long as I am here you are never alone. I am here ,I am there. I am your imagination." -Rabbi Garland
Join us , as we learn and teach one another with Tora V'Ahava!
Rabbi Garland was ordained as an Orthodox Rabbi (Yoreh Yoreh) by Israeli-born Posek Rabbi Haim Ovadia of the Fetaya Rabbinic Dynasty & an additional ordination (Rav Umanhig) from Rabbi Moshe of the Elbaz Rabbinic Dynasty.
Rabbi Garland has in addition learned and studied under and side by side with some influential Poskim in the United States and abroad. These individuals are personally connected to some of the most prominent orthodox communities and yeshivot i.e. Khal Joesph in Los Angeles; Communidad Hebrea Sefaradi de Bogota in Bogota and Yeshivat Or'Chaim in Yerushalim & Porat Yosef Yishiva, and the Kisse Rahamim yeshivah to name a few.
In addition to his rabbinical studies he focuses on disseminating the Judaic travels, Halakhot and Minhagim of the Chachamim of Morocco, Sudan, Ethiopia and Yemen. In the year 2020 Rabbi Garland embarked on a mission to disseminate the halakhot and minhagim of Morocco, Sudan, Ethiopia and Yemen to Jews with Sephardic ancestry in various countries in the West Indies.
This mission has in turn aided Bnei- H'Anusim Lanu (children of our people) living in these countries as well as the rural south-east America and abroad connect and reconnect with their Jewish roots.
Rabbi Garland is the first "Orthodox" Afrocentric Rabbi of color in Florida.
Rabbi Garland is actively the Senior Sephardic Rabbi in Tallahassee,FL.
Being a teacher is perhaps the most rewarding of professions that exist. In my personal experience, I found that it opens doors to re-learn, re-explore and exchange some of life's most memorable moments while at the same time creating life-time bonds with your students.
Again in my personal opinion the top qualities for good teachers to have include the following:
The question "makes one's own," implies that the individual is actively involved in shaping, altering, or customizing something to suit their specific needs or tastes. This can apply to various aspects of life, such as ideas, opinions, beliefs, skills, and possessions. It signifies a sense of personalization and individuality, as one takes an active role in creating or modifying something to reflect their own unique identity.
My love for teaching is deeply rooted in my faith, a desire to preserve tradition, and my commitment to nurture my community in ways that are both spiritual and intellectual. More specifically, teaching Torah and Jewish practices allows me to connect with my faith on a profound level. I find that sharing the wisdom and traditions of Judaism is spiritually uplifting. I feel a strong sense of responsibility in ensuring that Jewish traditions, values, and customs are maintained. Exploring the depths of Torah and Jewish thought is intellectually stimulating. I enjoy the challenge of interpreting and conveying complex concepts in ways that are relevant to our modern world. My hope is to inspire spiritual growth, ethical behavior and a sense of social responsibility.
An excellent teacher must first be an excellent listener. They must enthusiastically and passionately love their topic. That passion spreads to their students. A good teacher must also be patient, adaptable and compassionate. I strive to grow these characteristics every day.
As our Sage, Hillel said more than 2000 years ago, ” Do not treat others in ways you do not want to be treated. Everything else is commentary”. Tora study gives us the tools to achieve that lofty goal on a day to day basis.
Rabbi Mozzor was raised to an Orthodox Family in Brooklyn. Rabbi Mozzor studied at the State University of New York at Buffalo and earned a - BA in Environmental and Organismal Biology and Health Physics. He also attended the New York Medical College where he received his MPH Biostatistics in Progress.
His unique desire and teaching style did not emerge from studying in Yeshiva. His love and commitment developed much earlier in life. Sitting in Cheder (Hebrew School) Rabbi Mozzor engage in heated debates with his teachers over their interpretations of Tora. It was through these many unscheduled meetings with the head Rabbi of the school which gave birth to a close friendship with many cornflake crusted chicken Shabbat meals.
Rabbi Mozzor is also an accomplished Musician of more than 20 years. Throughout his musical career Rabbi Mozzor has co-lead adult and youth groups for Klezmer Education and Performance Groups.
Rabbi Mozzor has learned under many great scholars and has learned to lead with the strictness that adheres to Judaism, not Judaism as a letter of the law, but rather Judaism that moves one to observe from a place of peace and love. Judaism where Tikkun Olam comes through pursuing Justice, Good Deeds, and Loving thy Neighbor.
Rabbi Mozzor has a loving wife of 37 years and they share a daughter who lives in Sacramento as a middle school teacher.
"Speak of them when you walk on the road when you lie down and when you rise!"
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